Foreign workers are entitled to the replacement income provided for in article L. 5421-1 under the same conditions as French workers if they are in compliance with the provisions regulating their paid employment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title II: Compensation for unemployed workers | Chapter I: General provisions | Article R5421-3 of the French Labour Code
Foreign workers are entitled to the replacement income provided for in article L. 5421-1 under the same conditions as French workers if they are in compliance with the provisions regulating their paid employment.
Le travailleur étranger bénéficie du revenu de remplacement prévu à l’article L. 5421-1 dans les mêmes conditions que le travailleur français s’il se trouve en situation régulière au regard des dispositions réglementant son activité professionnelle salariée.
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