The declaration provided for in Article R. 5422-6 and the payment of contributions corresponding to the remuneration declared are made on the same dates as the payment of contributions due to the general social security scheme.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title II: Compensation for unemployed workers | Chapter II: Insurance scheme | Section 2: Obligations to insure and declare remuneration. | Article R5422-7 of the French Labour Code
The declaration provided for in Article R. 5422-6 and the payment of contributions corresponding to the remuneration declared are made on the same dates as the payment of contributions due to the general social security scheme.
La déclaration prévue à l’article R. 5422-6 et le paiement des cotisations correspondant aux rémunérations déclarées sont faits aux mêmes dates que le paiement des cotisations dues au régime général de sécurité sociale.
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