In order to benefit from the specific solidarity allowance, the people mentioned in article L. 5423-1 :
1° Must have been in paid employment for five years in the ten years preceding the end of the employment contract from which their rights to insurance benefits were opened. In the case of people who have interrupted their salaried activity to bring up a child, this period is reduced, up to a limit of three years, by one year per dependent child or child brought up under the conditions laid down in Article R. 342-2 of the Social Security Code ;
2° Are actually looking for work within the meaning of Article L. 5421-3, subject to the provisions of article R. 5421-1;
3° Provide evidence, at the date of application, of monthly resources below a ceiling corresponding to 70 times the daily amount of the allowance for a single person and 110 times the same amount for a couple.