The deadline for submitting applications for payment of the specific solidarity allowance is set at two years from the date on which the persons concerned meet all the conditions required to be eligible for this allowance.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title II: Compensation for unemployed workers | Chapter III: Solidarity scheme | Section 1: Allowances. | Subsection 1: Specific solidarity allowance. | Paragraph 2: Payment, renewal and extension. | Article R5423-12 of the French Labour Code
The deadline for submitting applications for payment of the specific solidarity allowance is set at two years from the date on which the persons concerned meet all the conditions required to be eligible for this allowance.
Le délai dans lequel doit être présentée la demande de paiement de l’allocation solidarité spécifique, est fixé à deux ans à compter du jour où les personnes intéressées remplissent l’ensemble des conditions exigées pour pouvoir prétendre au bénéfice de cette allocation.
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