In cases where recipients are means-tested, the specific solidarity allowance is not paid if the monthly amount due is less than the daily rate of this allowance.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title II: Compensation for unemployed workers | Chapter III: Solidarity scheme | Section 1: Allowances. | Subsection 1: Specific solidarity allowance. | Paragraph 2: Payment, renewal and extension. | Article R5423-13 of the French Labour Code
In cases where recipients are means-tested, the specific solidarity allowance is not paid if the monthly amount due is less than the daily rate of this allowance.
Dans les cas où la condition de ressources est applicable aux bénéficiaires, l’allocation solidarité spécifique n’est pas versée lorsque le montant mensuel dû est inférieur au taux journalier de cette allocation.
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