The specific solidarity allowance is allocated for a renewable period of six months.
However, the allowance is granted for renewable periods of one year to people who have been exempted from seeking employment under article L. 5421-3.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title II: Compensation for unemployed workers | Chapter III: Solidarity scheme | Section 1: Allowances. | Subsection 1: Specific solidarity allowance. | Paragraph 2: Payment, renewal and extension. | Article R5423-8 of the French Labour Code
The specific solidarity allowance is allocated for a renewable period of six months.
However, the allowance is granted for renewable periods of one year to people who have been exempted from seeking employment under article L. 5421-3.
L’allocation de solidarité spécifique est attribuée pour une période de six mois renouvelable.
Toutefois, l’allocation est attribuée par périodes d’un an renouvelables aux bénéficiaires de la dispense de recherche d’emploi prévue à l’article L. 5421-3.
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