To qualify for the allowance for self-employed workers, the persons mentioned in article L. 5424-24 :
1° Prove that they have been self-employed for a minimum uninterrupted period of two years in one and the same business, the end of which is the date of the event giving rise to entitlement under Article L. 5424-25.
The persons referred to in Article L. 382-1 of the Social Security Code are deemed to meet this condition if they can prove that they have been affiliated to the general social security scheme under the conditions laid down in Articles L. 382-1 and R. 382-1 of the Social Security Code for a minimum period of two years, the end of which is the date of the event triggering entitlement under Article L. 5424-25 ;
2° Are actually looking for work within the meaning of Article L. 5421-3 ;
3° have previous income from self-employment as referred to in Article L. 5424-25 equal to or greater than 10,000 euros calculated over a reference period as defined in II of Article R. 5424-71 ;
4° Have other resources as defined in article R. 5424-72 that are less than the fixed monthly amount mentioned in article L. 262-2 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles , applicable to a single person household.