Income from the professional activities referred to in articles R. 5425-2, R. 5425-6 and R. 5425-7 are taken into account when applying the resource conditions laid down for the benefit of the specific solidarity allowance.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title II: Compensation for unemployed workers | Chapter V: Continuing entitlement to replacement income for claimants receiving compensation | Section 1: Combining replacement income with other income. | Subsection 1: Professional activity. | Article R5425-8 of the French Labour Code
Income from the professional activities referred to in articles R. 5425-2, R. 5425-6 and R. 5425-7 are taken into account when applying the resource conditions laid down for the benefit of the specific solidarity allowance.
Les revenus procurés par les activités professionnelles mentionnées aux articles R. 5425-2, R. 5425-6 et R. 5425-7 sont pris en compte pour l’application des conditions de ressources prévues pour le bénéfice de l’allocation de solidarité spécifique.
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