Organisations under agreement pursuant to article L. 550-2 provide domiciliation for asylum seekers who are referred to them by the French Office for Immigration and Integration. They may only refuse the election of domicile in the cases provided for in their agreement.
The organisation providing the domicile puts an end to it:
1° When the applicant is referred by the Office to accommodation for asylum seekers within the meaning of article L. 552-1 other than hotel establishments;
2° When the applicant informs the Office of the address of their stable domicile.
The organisation may put an end to the domicile when the applicant has behaved violently towards the organisation’s staff or a third party. In this case, the Office will refer the applicant to another organisation for domiciliation.
The organisation indicated in the declaration of domiciliation is obliged to provide the social security organisations, in order to carry out their duties, with all relevant information enabling them to verify that a person is indeed domiciled with it.