Subject to the provisions of the second paragraph, the fees mentioned in articles R. 611-3 to R. 611-5 are recovered by the civil aviation administration, in the same way as for State debts not related to taxes or property, and are collected by the accounting agent of the “air traffic control and operation” annex budget.
The technical bodies authorised by the Minister responsible for civil aviation, pursuant to articles L. 330-7 and R. 133-5, to carry out interventions giving rise, pursuant to articles R. 611-3 to R. 611-5, to the payment of fees are authorised to collect these fees.
The date of payment indicated on the collection voucher or, in the case provided for in the previous paragraph, on the invoice, may not be earlier than the thirtieth day following the date of issue of this voucher or invoice.
A surcharge of 10% shall be applied to the sum payable in the event of non-payment by the specified date.
In the absence of payment or in the event of only partial payment of a fee, the minister responsible for civil aviation, after giving the person liable for payment formal notice to regularise the situation, may suspend the corresponding administrative decision.