I.-The France Compétences committee responsible for professional certification provided for in article L. 6113-6 is called the “Professional Certification Committee”. In addition to its chairman, it is made up of the following members, appointed for a period of five years by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training:
1° Eight representatives of the State, appointed respectively by the Minister for Vocational Training, the Minister for National Education, the Minister for Higher Education, the Minister for Health, the Minister for Sport, the Minister for Agriculture, the Minister for Social Affairs and the Minister for Culture;
2° Two representatives of regional councils or deliberative assemblies in the French overseas territories exercising the powers devolved to regional councils in the area of vocational training, appointed by the Minister responsible for vocational training, on the recommendation of the Association of French Regions;
3° One representative from each representative employee trade union organisation at national and cross-industry level, nominated by their respective organisation;
4° One representative from each professional employers’ organisation representative at national and cross-industry level, nominated by their respective organisation.
II -Participate in the debates, without the right to vote:
1° At the request of the Ministers concerned, a representative of the Minister for the Economy, a representative of the Minister for Sustainable Development, a representative of the Minister for Labour, a representative of the Minister for Youth and a representative of the Minister for Defence;
2° The rapporteurs, on behalf of the Commission, for the registration applications provided for in II of Article L. 6113-5 and Article L. 6113-6, the draft applications provided for in Article L. 6113-7 and the draft annual list of occupations considered to be particularly changing or emerging provided for in Article R. 6113-12;
3° At the invitation of the Chairman, any person whose testimony is likely to shed light on the debates;
4° One member appointed for a period of five years by order of the Minister for Vocational Training, on the recommendation of the National Advisory Council for Disabled People.