For each full member of the Commission, with the exception of the Chairman, an alternate of the opposite sex is designated and appointed under the same conditions as in Article R. 6113-1.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book I: General principles and institutional organisation of vocational training | Title I: General principles | Chapter III: Professional certification | Section 1: Professional Certification Commission | Article R6113-2 of the French Labour Code
For each full member of the Commission, with the exception of the Chairman, an alternate of the opposite sex is designated and appointed under the same conditions as in Article R. 6113-1.
Pour chaque membre titulaire de la commission, à l’exception du président, un suppléant de l’autre sexe est désigné et nommé dans les mêmes conditions qu’à l’article R. 6113-1.
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