The authorisation application must include the following information in particular:
1° The definition of the mission, with reference to training needs;
2° The nature and content of the public service obligations;
3° The nature of the vocational integration and training initiatives involving educational, social or vocational support to be implemented by the organisation, the public concerned and an estimate of the quantitative elements characterising these initiatives;
4° The territory concerned;
5° The nature of the partnerships to be developed and their content;
6° The parameters for calculating, monitoring and revising the fair financial compensation referred to in article L. 6121-2-1, which may be set on the basis of forecast costs or actual costs. Provisional costs may be used in place of expenditure ceilings;
7° The terms of payment, as well as the terms of any reimbursement, particularly in the event of overcompensation;
8° The duration of the authorisation agreement, which may be divided into renewable periods, which may not exceed five years;
9° The terms for concluding an amendment to the authorisation agreement and for terminating it, under the conditions laid down in Article R. 6121-6;
10° The procedures for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the mission, based on indicators and control procedures based in particular on the audit of the accounts for the mission entrusted and on the allocation of structural costs, as well as the system of penalties;
11° A reference to Commission Decision 2012/21/EU of 20 December 2011 on the application of Article 106(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to certain undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest and, where appropriate, exclusive or special rights granted by the region.