I.-The list of organisations, institutions, groups or trade unions represented in each section of the Committee and the number of seats they have are determined by order of the ministers responsible for social action, health and social security, for a period of five years.
The internal rules of procedure of the Committee referred to in Article R. 6122-21 set the terms and conditions according to which the bodies, institutions, groupings or trade unions referred to in the first paragraph of this Article inform the ministerial departments, at least fifteen days before the first meeting following the publication of the order referred to in the first paragraph and, in the event of subsequent changes, at least three days before the next meeting for which they have received a notice of meeting, of the identity of the persons authorised to represent them on each section of the Committee.
II – The Chairman, his alternate and the qualified persons are appointed by order of the ministers responsible for social action, health and social security. Their term of office ends on the expiry date of the five-year period referred to in the first paragraph of I. They may be reappointed.
III – The plenary session is made up of the members of the Social Section and the Health Section of the Committee.