Authorisation to carry out neurosurgical care activities may only be granted or renewed if the health establishment or health cooperation group can demonstrate, for neurosurgery, per site, an annual activity, forecast in the case of creation or recorded in the case of renewal, at least equal to a minimum set by order of the Minister for Health.
The minimum activity distinguishes, where appropriate, paediatric neurosurgery activity.
The annual activity referred to in the first paragraph is established :
– for adult neurosurgery, by reference to operations on the cranioencephalic sphere ;
– for paediatric neurosurgery, by reference to all paediatric neurosurgical procedures.
In accordance with article L. 6122-2, an authorisation derogating from the first paragraph of this article may be granted or renewed on an exceptional basis, after analysing the needs of the population, when access to other sites providing neurosurgical care imposes excessive journey times on a significant proportion of the population in the health region.