The grant mentioned in article R. 6123-24 is paid according to a schedule defined by agreement between the State and France Compétences.
The allocations mentioned in article R. 6123-25 are paid on a quarterly basis.
The allocations mentioned in article R. 6123-25 are allocated and paid taking into account, in particular, the financing needs and cash flow situations transmitted by the beneficiaries to France Compétences.
Where applicable and subject to the minimum amounts of allocations provided for in I of article R. 6123-25, payments may be lower than the amounts set by the decision provided for in the second paragraph of II of this article, particularly in light of the funding requirements and levels of commitments sent by the beneficiaries to France Compétences.
The list and methods of transmitting the necessary information, transmitted in application of the third paragraph, are defined by decision of the France Compétences Board of Directors.
By way of derogation from the second paragraph, the timetable for the payment of allocations relating, on the one hand, to the financing of work-linked training by skills operators and, on the other hand, to the financing of professional development advice is defined by decision of the France Compétences Board of Directors.