Prior to their adoption or conclusion, the Regional Committee for Employment, Vocational Training and Guidance issues an opinion on :
1° Multi-annual regional coordination agreements for employment, guidance and training covered by article L. 6123-4 ;
2° The regional initial vocational training map referred to in article L. 214-13-1 of the Education Code, excluding apprenticeships;
3° The programmes relating to the regional public vocational training service, including that provided for in article L. 5211-3, as well as the draft agreement drawn up in application of article L. 6121-4;
4° The specifications provided for in article L. 6111-5, setting quality standards for bodies participating in the regional public vocational guidance service;
5° The annual coordination agreement relating to the public vocational guidance service concluded between the State and the region, as provided for in article L. 6111-3.
Opinions are made public by the committee.