In addition to the Regional Prefect and the President of the Regional Council, the Regional Committee for Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance is made up of members appointed by order of the Regional Prefect:
1° Six representatives of the region appointed by the Regional Council ;
2° Six representatives of the State:
a) The Rector of the Academic Region ;
b) The Regional Director of the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity;
c) The Regional Director of Food, Agriculture and Forestry;
d) The other State representatives still to be appointed after application of a to c, designated by the Regional Prefect;
3° Representatives of employee and employer trade unions, on the recommendation of their respective organisations:
a) One representative from each employee trade union organisation, representative at national and cross-industry level ;
b) One representative from each professional employers’ organisation, representative at national and cross-industry level;
c) One representative from each professional employers’ organisation, representative at national and multi-professional level;
d) Two representatives of the trade union organisations concerned mentioned in III of article R. 2272-9;
4° One representative for each of the three consular networks on the proposal of their respective organisations;
5° Representatives of the main employment, training and vocational guidance operators in the region, including one representative of the grouping of higher education establishments formed in application of the combined provisions of article L. 718-2 and 2° of article L. 718-3 of the Education Code, the regional director of Pôle emploi, the regional delegate of the association de gestion du fonds pour l’insertion professionnelle des personnes handicapées, the regional representative of Cap emploi, a representative of the commission paritaire interprofessionnelle régionale, the president of the association régionale des missions locales, the regional delegate of the association pour l’emploi des cadres mentioned in L. 6111-6, the Director of the Centre d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur la formation et observatoire régional de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle and the Regional Director of the Office national d’information des enseignements et des professions ;
6° Two people qualified in the field of ecological transition, after consultation with the president of the regional council and the regional economic, social and environmental council.
The representatives appointed under 1° include an equal number of men and women, in accordance with the principle of parity as defined in article L. 6123-3. The representatives appointed under d of 2° include an equal number of women and men if there is an even number, and at least one person of each sex if there is an odd number and at least two.
The members mentioned in 5° and 6° of this article do not have the right to vote.