I.-The annual activity report referred to in Article L. 6123-11 outlines all of France Compétences’ activities in relation to its missions listed in Article L. 6123-5.
II.-Each year, when the report is submitted to Parliament and to the Minister responsible for vocational training, the Chairman of the France Compétences Board of Directors presents the institution’s activities and work prospects to an assembly made up, in addition to the institution’s directors, of the following members:
1° Twelve representatives of the State, appointed respectively by the Minister for Youth and Sport, the Minister for Health, the Minister for Social Affairs, the Minister for Defence, the Minister for Local and Regional Authorities, the Minister for Industry, the Minister for the Sea and the Minister for Overseas France;
2° One representative of each employers’ professional organisation representative at national multi-professional level on the proposal of their respective organisation;
3° Three representatives from the relevant employee trade union organisations, nominated by their respective organisations. These organisations are determined by order of the Minister for Employment and Training;
4° One representative for each consular network, proposed by CCI France, Chambres d’agriculture France and CMA France;
5° One representative of the Conference of University Presidents.