The skills operators create a dematerialised service which publishes the following in a dedicated and identifiable section:
1° The list of priorities, criteria and conditions for covering the costs of requests submitted by employers, the diagnostic costs referred to in 4° of the I of article L. 6332-1 and the services offered corresponding to the use of the sums referred to in II of article R. 6332-17 ;
2° The levels of coverage decided by the professional branches or joint committees mentioned in 1° of I of article L. 6332-14 ;
3° The annual list of bodies receiving funds from the skills operator and the amount paid for each body;
4° The annual accounts of skills operators and the auditor’s report pursuant to 6° of Article L. 6332-1, without prejudice to the application of the provisions ofArticle L. 612-4 of the Commercial Code.
This section is updated within fifteen days of any change in any of this information.