The approval decision shall specify:
1° In the case of courses whose duration is defined in advance:
a) The maximum number of trainees likely to be remunerated each year;
b) The total duration and weekly duration of the course, as well as the number of trainee-months;
c) The start and end dates of the course;
2° In the case of courses which receive trainees on a continuous basis: the annual number of trainee months;
3° In the case of courses involving distance learning, in addition to the number of trainees and the start and end dates of the course:
a) Where the teaching is provided entirely by distance learning;
– the estimated number of hours needed to complete the work required of each trainee;
– the frequency, at least monthly, and duration of the teaching assessment sessions held on the premises of the training centre;
b) Where the teaching, provided in what is known as open training, alternates between teaching on the premises of a training centre and distance learning;
– the total duration, in hours, of all this teaching;
– for distance learning, the estimated number of hours required to complete the work required of each trainee.