Training courses organised by employers in application of article L. 6341-2 may only be approved if they are created as a result of job creation, a change in the production process, a reduction in the workforce or a cessation of activity.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title IV: Vocational training trainees | Chapter I: Trainee remuneration | Section 1: Financing of work placements paid for by the State or the Department of Mayotte | Subsection 2: Approval of traineeships | Article R6341-7 of the French Labour Code
Training courses organised by employers in application of article L. 6341-2 may only be approved if they are created as a result of job creation, a change in the production process, a reduction in the workforce or a cessation of activity.
Les stages organisés par les employeurs en application de l’article L. 6341-2 ne peuvent être agréés que lorsque leur création est motivée par une création d’emplois, une modification du processus de production, une réduction de l’effectif ou une cessation d’activité.
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