Applicants for the office of member of the board shall certify to the supervisory authority that they meet the conditions set out in Article L. 713-4and that they are not subject to any of the disabilities mentioned in Article L. 713-3.
Candidates for the office of president shall mention in their certificate the length of terms they have already served as president of a public establishment in the network of chambers of commerce and industry.
The certificate shall be attached to the minutes of the installation meeting or to the minutes of the general meeting.
No one may simultaneously be a member of the bureau of a chamber in the network of chambers of commerce and industry and a member of the bureau of a chamber in the network of chambers of trade and crafts. In the event of simultaneous office, the person concerned must inform the supervisory authority, within ten days of the simultaneous office being held, which of the two offices he or she chooses to hold. Failing this, he shall be deemed to have chosen the last office to which he was elected.