Model agencies legally established in another Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area that wish to carry out this activity on a temporary and occasional basis on national territory must submit a declaration containing the following information to the regional directorate for companies, competition, consumer affairs, labour and employment in the place where the service is to be provided, prior to the service being provided:
1° The references of the agency’s registration in a professional register in its country of origin;
2° The name or business name and address of the place of establishment of the modelling agency;
3° The full names and home addresses of the agency’s directors;
4° The name of the organisation or organisations to which the modelling agency pays social security contributions;
5° Proof that a financial guarantee has been obtained in accordance with article L. 7123-19 or proof that an equivalent guarantee has been obtained in the country of establishment;
6° The name or company name and address of the user;
7° The places, dates, duration and, where applicable, the hours of performance of the service;
8° Where applicable, the individual authorisation for the employment of children referred to in article L. 7124-1.