Article R7123-8 of the French Labour Code
Any person established in France who engages in the placement of models for remuneration must hold a model agency licence.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book I: Professional journalists, the entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Title II: Entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Chapter III: Models and modelling agencies | Section 3: Model agencies | Subsection 1: Modelling agency licence and prior declaration
Any person established in France who engages in the placement of models for remuneration must hold a model agency licence.
The modelling agency licence is issued for an indefinite period by the Prefect of Paris. The Ile-de-France Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment examines the application and seeks the opinion of the Ile-de-France Regional Director for Cultural Affairs. The order granting the modelling agency licence is notified to the interested parties and published in the Journal officiel de la République française.
The licence application is sent to the prefect mentioned in article R. * 7123-9, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. It shall specify the place chosen as the agency’s registered office. It is accompanied by the documents mentioned, depending on the case, in article R. 7123-10-1 or article R. 7123-10-2. If the licence application is incomplete, the Prefect will inform the applicant of the missing documents and set a…
The licence application must include : 1° The company’s unique identification number, together with its articles of association if it is a legal entity; 2° A curriculum vitae indicating, in particular, the applicant’s professional experience at the date of application; 3° A list of permanent employees, delegates of the agency and persons authorised to represent the agency for all or part of its activities, at the head office of the…
A modelling agency legally established in another Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area must produce the documents mentioned in article R. 7123-10-1 in support of its licence application. If this agency has obtained a title of equivalent effect in its country of origin, it produces a copy of this title and is exempt from producing any of the documents mentioned…
The beneficiary of the licence must inform the prefect referred to in article R. * 7123-9 within one month, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, of any change in the location of the registered office of the agency or its branches, or any change in its articles of association. He must inform the Prefect within the same timeframe of any change in the agency’s managers, permanent employees, delegatees or…
Model agencies legally established in another Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area that wish to carry out this activity on a temporary and occasional basis on national territory must submit a declaration containing the following information to the regional directorate for companies, competition, consumer affairs, labour and employment in the place where the service is to be provided, prior to…
For the application of the provisions of article L. 7123-4-1, models recognised as service providers established in a Member State of the European Union or in another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area who wish to exercise their activity in France, through the provision of services, on a temporary and independent basis, shall inform the administrative authority mentioned in article R. 7123-12 of the body or…
Every three years, in the two months preceding the anniversary of the date on which the licence was obtained, the beneficiary of the licence sends the Prefect referred to in article R. * 7123-9, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, a declaration certifying that there has been no change in the situation of the agency with regard to the documents provided in the initial application, taking into account, where…
I. – The modelling agency licence is refused or withdrawn by the Prefect referred to in article R. * 7123-9 : 1° When the applicant for the licence or the managers of the agency do not offer or no longer offer the necessary guarantees of good character. At any time, the administrative authority may request that a copy of Bulletin No. 2 of the criminal record or any document with…
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