The application for authorisation must be accompanied by a file containing :
1° The unique identification number or a copy of the articles of association of the legal entity, or, where applicable, for nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, a document equivalent to the extract from the register of companies or the National Register of Companies as a company in the trades and crafts sector ;
2° Information enabling the quality of the services provided to be assessed;
3° A model document providing information to customers and users in tax matters and to administrative services in statistical matters;
4° A list of subcontractors;
Legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who are legally established in another Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area must attach to their application any information and documents relating to their situation with regard to the implementation of the obligations provided for, where applicable, by the legislation applicable in the State in which they are established, with a view to examining their application for authorisation.