I.-Judicial administrators who have been registered for at least five years on the list referred to in Article L. 812-2 and who have, where applicable, completed the training period under the conditions provided for in II of Article R. 812-13 are exempt from all the qualifying examination tests. They are entered on the list of court-appointed agents under the suspensive condition of having been removed from the list of court-appointed administrators under the conditions provided for in articles R. 811-36 et R. 812-20.
II.-The following are exempt from the civil procedure and criminal business law test of the qualifying examination:
1° Lawyers, notaries, judicial auctioneers, bailiffs, clerks of the commercial courts;
2° Persons holding one of the qualifications or diplomas mentioned in article R. 811-7 and can provide evidence of at least five years’ professional legal practice in the field of administration, financing, restructuring, including mergers and acquisitions, or the takeover of companies, particularly companies in difficulty.
III.The following are exempt from the qualifying examination test relating to the management of a judicial representative’s firm:
1° Persons who have worked for a period of at least five years as an assistant to a judicial representative;
2° Chartered accountants and statutory auditors;
3° Persons who hold one of the qualifications or diplomas mentioned in article R. 811-7 and can provide evidence of at least five years’ professional accounting or financial practice, in the field of administration, financing, restructuring, including mergers and acquisitions, or the takeover of companies, particularly those in difficulty.
IV.-For persons exempted from a professional internship pursuant to the provisions of I of article R. 812-13, the presentation and discussion with the jury test of the aptitude test relating to an internship dissertation is replaced by a presentation and discussion with the jury test relating to the candidate’s professional experience.