The following may also be entered on the list of statutory auditors referred to in I of Article L. 822-1, pursuant to the provisions of the second paragraph of article L. 822-1-2 persons who have successfully completed a course of study of at least three years’ duration or of an equivalent duration on a part-time basis at a university or higher education establishment or at another establishment of the same level of training, as well as the professional training required in addition to this course of study, and who can justify:
a) A diploma or qualification deemed to be of the same level as the certificat d’aptitude aux fonctions de commissaire aux comptes or the diplôme d’expertise comptable, by the garde des sceaux, ministre de la justice, and allowing the practice of the profession in a non-EU Member State admitting French nationals to practice statutory auditing;
b) Three years’ professional experience deemed sufficient by the Minister of Justice in the field of statutory auditing.
The interested party must undergo an aptitude test under the conditions provided for in article R. 822-6.