The Director General of the laboratory is appointed by decree on the report of the Minister for Industry. He represents the establishment in all civil acts.
He prepares the meetings of the Board of Directors, implements its decisions and reports to it on the execution of these decisions.
He manages the laboratory’s departments and, in this capacity, has authority over the staff.
Within the framework of the rules defined by the Board of Directors, he is in particular empowered to :
1° To settle and authorise receipts and expenditure;
2° To determine the use of available funds and the investment of reserves and to make acquisitions, disposals and transfers of securities;
3° To decide on the acquisition and sale of property leases where the term of the lease does not exceed three years;
4° To approve works and supply contracts within the limits set by the Board of Directors and to enter into all deeds, contracts and agreements on behalf of the institution;
5° To take all precautionary measures and take all legal action;
6° To engage, manage and dismiss the institution’s employees.