Article R823-1 of the French Consumer Code
The national metrology and testing laboratory is placed under the supervision of the minister responsible for industry.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Consumer Code | New regulatory part | Book VIII: AGREED CONSUMER DEFENCE ASSOCIATIONS AND CONSUMER INSTITUTIONS | Title II: CONSUMER INSTITUTIONS | Chapter III: National metrology and testing laboratory
The national metrology and testing laboratory is placed under the supervision of the minister responsible for industry.
The board of directors of the national metrology and testing laboratory comprises:
Members of the Board of Directors are entitled to reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses actually incurred by them in connection with Board meetings under the conditions set out in the décret n° 2006-781 du 3 juillet 2006 fixant les conditions et les modalités de règlement des frais occasionnés par les déplacements temporaires des personnels civils lorsqu’ils sont à la charge des budgets de l’Etat, des établissements publics nationaux à…
The members of the Board of Directors referred to in 1° and 2° of Article R. 823-2 who cease to hold office or who lose the capacity by virtue of which they were appointed shall be replaced under the conditions laid down by the loi n° 83-675 du 26 juillet 1983 relative à la démocratisation du secteur public.
The Board of Directors meets at least three times a year in ordinary session.Except in emergencies, the place, date and agenda are notified at least two weeks in advance to the members of the Board of Directors, the Government Commissioner, the member of the General Economic and Financial Control body and the Managing Director.The Government Commissioner, the member of the General Economic and Financial Control body, the Managing Director and…
The Board of Directors may only validly deliberate if at least eleven members are present or represented. If a member of the Board of Directors is unable to attend, he may be represented by another member appointed or elected in the same capacity as him, but the latter may not hold more than one proxy at any one meeting.If the quorum provided for in the first paragraph is not reached,…
The Board of Directors, through its deliberations, regulates the affairs of the laboratory. In particular, it deliberates on: 1° The general conditions of organisation and operation of the laboratory; 2° The programme of activities of the establishment; 3° The conditions for the issue by the laboratory of certificates of qualification; 4° The budget and, where appropriate, amending budgets during the year; 5° The accounts for each financial year and the…
The Board of Directors shall adopt its rules of procedure. A financial committee is set up within the Board of Directors to prepare the Board’s work on points 4° to 10° of Article R. 823-7. An order of the Minister for Industry sets the composition and operating procedures of this committee. .
A Government Commissioner, appointed by order of the Minister for Industry, is assigned to the establishment. He may at any time ask to be provided with any documents, papers or records and carry out or arrange for any checks to be carried out. If unable to attend, he may be represented at meetings of the Board of Directors by a civil servant under his authority.
The deliberations of the Board of Directors relating to the objects mentioned in 6°, 7°, 8°, 10°, 11° and 16° of article R. 823-7 are enforceable only after they have been approved by the Minister for Industry and the Minister for the Budget. The decisions referred to in 4° and 5° are enforceable under the conditions set out in Title III of Decree no. 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on…
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