Article L. 441-2 is repealed.
In the first paragraph of I of Article L. 441-8, the words: “agricultural products and foodstuffs” are replaced by the words: “perishable agricultural products or products from short production cycles, live animals, carcasses, aquaculture products and everyday consumer foodstuffs resulting from the first processing of these products”. .
The I of Article L. 442-5 is amended as follows: 1° The last sentence of the first paragraph is replaced by the following provisions: “The cessation of advertising may be ordered by the examining magistrate or by the court hearing the prosecution, either at the request of the public prosecutor or ex officio. The measure thus taken shall be enforceable notwithstanding any means of appeal. “It may be discharged by…
The last paragraph of III of article L. 442-5 is replaced by the following four paragraphs: “The investigating judge or the court hearing the case may order the advertising to cease, either at the request of the public prosecutor or ex officio. The measure thus taken shall be enforceable notwithstanding any means of appeal. It may be lifted by the court that ordered it or that is hearing the case….
In Article L. 442-10, the words: “or cooperative company or administration” are deleted.
Article L. 441-11 II is amended as follows: 1° 1° is worded as follows: “1° For purchases of perishable agricultural and food products and frozen or deep-frozen meat, deep-frozen fish, ready-made meals and preserves made from perishable food products: > a) Thirty days after the date of delivery of the product. “a) Thirty days after the date of delivery; or “b) Or, in the case of a periodic invoice within…
Article L. 450-1 is amended as follows: 1° The last two paragraphs of I are deleted; 2° In II, after the word “economy”, the words “and the staff of the Wallis and Futuna economic affairs and development department” are inserted.
Article L. 450-4 is amended as follows: 1° In the first sentence of the first paragraph, the words: “the European Commission,” are deleted; 2° In the first sentence of the eighth paragraph, the words: “and, where appropriate, the agents and other persons mandated by the European Commission” are deleted.
The last sentence of the last paragraph of Article L. 462-1 is amended as follows: 1° The words: “of the territorial collectivities” are replaced by the words: “of the Wallis and Futuna Islands”; 2° The words: “of the territorial chambers of agriculture, trades or chambers of commerce and industry” are replaced by the words: “of the chamber of commerce, industry, trades and agriculture of the Wallis and Futuna Islands”.
In the first paragraph of Article L. 462-3, the words “and Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union” are deleted.
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