Article L3611-1 of the French Public Health Code
Causing a minor to misuse a commonly consumed product to obtain psychoactive effects is punishable by a €15,000 fine.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Legislative part | Part Three: Combating disease and addiction | Book VI: Combating the misuse and dangerous use of everyday consumer products
Causing a minor to misuse a commonly consumed product to obtain psychoactive effects is punishable by a €15,000 fine.
A maximum quantity authorised for the sale to private individuals of each product mentioned in article L. 3611-1 may be set by joint order of the ministers responsible for health and the economy.
It is forbidden to sell or offer nitrous oxide in any form to a minor. Any person who sells a product containing nitrous oxide must require the transferee to prove that he or she has reached the age of majority. E-commerce sites must specify that the sale of this product to minors is prohibited on the pages allowing online purchases of this product, regardless of its packaging. It is prohibited…
A notice indicating the dangerousness of the diverted use of nitrous oxide is, in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree, affixed to each unit of packaging for products containing this gas, which may not be marketed without this notice.
The agents mentioned in article L. 1312-1 shall ensure compliance with articles L. 3611-1 to L. 3611-3 and shall investigate and establish the infringements provided for in the same articles L. 3611-1 to L. 3611-3. To this end, they shall have the prerogatives granted to them by article L. 1312-1 and by the texts taken for its application. 1312-1 and by the texts adopted for its application. In order to…
Municipal police officers, gardes champêtres (rural wardens), agents de surveillance de Paris (Paris surveillance officers) and agents de la Ville de Paris (City of Paris police officers), referred to respectively in articles L. 511-1, L. 521-1, L. 523-1 and L. 531-1 of the Code de la sécurité intérieure (Internal Security Code), may draw up official reports of violations of articles L. 3611-2 and L. 3611-3 of this code and the…
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