Article R927-1 of the French Commercial code
Article R. 711-1 is worded as follows: “The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mayotte, whose district is Mayotte, has its headquarters in Mamoudzou. “
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK IX: Overseas provisions. | TITLE II: Provisions applicable to Mayotte. | Chapter VII: Provisions adapting Book VII.
Article R. 711-1 is worded as follows: “The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mayotte, whose district is Mayotte, has its headquarters in Mamoudzou. “
For the application to Mayotte of article R. 711-40-1, the words: “préfet de région” are replaced by the words: “représentant de l’Etat” and the words: “chambre de commerce et d’industrie de région” are replaced by the words: “chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Mayotte”
For the application to Mayotte of article R. 711-40-2, the words: “la chambre de commerce et d’industrie de région” are replaced by the words: “la chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Mayotte”.
For the application to Mayotte of article R. 711-40-3, the words: “la chambre de commerce et d’industrie de région et de chaque chambre de commerce et d’industrie territoriale ou départementale qui lui est rattachée” are replaced by the words: “la chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Mayotte”.
For the application to Mayotte of article R. 711-40-4, the words: “préfet de région” are replaced by the words: “représentant de l’Etat”.
Article R. 712-2 is replaced by the following provisions: “Supervision of the Mayotte Chamber of Commerce and Industry is exercised by the State representative in Mayotte assisted by the local director of public finance. “
In article R. 712-4-1, the words: “the president of the regional chamber, on a proposal from the president of the territorial chamber where applicable,” are replaced by the words: “the president of the Mayotte chamber of commerce and industry”.
After Article R. 713-6, the following article is inserted: “The ballot box vote provided for in Article 16 of Order no. 2005-43 of 20 January 2005 is organised for the election of members of the Mayotte Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the following conditions: “I. The electoral roll commission provided for in article 15 of Order no. 2005-43 of 20 January 2005 shall have the electoral cards drawn up…
For the application to Mayotte of article R. 713-66, the second to sixth paragraphs are replaced by the following provisions: “The study describes the distribution of members between professional categories and, where applicable, between professional sub-categories. It is based on the following data: ” 1° Turnover, by category or sub-category, of businesses subject to payment of corporation tax; ” 2° Number of employees, by category or sub-category, of businesses up…
In article R. 721-6, the words: “5,000” are replaced by the words: “460”.
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