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Article R3213-10 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Claims concerning legacies in favour of a department or a departmental public establishment, made by the legal heirs, may be submitted to the Minister of the Interior within six months of the opening of the will. They include the surnames, first names and addresses of the claimants, their order and degree of relationship to the deceased, and the grounds for the claim. The Minister of the Interior informs the president…

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Article R3213-11 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Any notary depositing a will containing a legacy in favour of a department or a departmental public establishment is required, as soon as the will is opened, to give notice thereof to the president of the departmental council and to the accountant of the department or establishment. The same obligation is imposed on any notary who has received a deed containing a donation in favour of a department or a…

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Article R3213-12 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Any mandate conferred, subsequent to the delivery or the sending into possession of a legacy, by the legal representative of a department or a departmental public establishment, with a view to administering or liquidating the assets dependent on this legacy, shall be brought to the attention of the accounting officer. The same shall apply to instructions given to the mandatary with regard to both revenue and expenditure.

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Article R3213-14 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

From the time of delivery or sending into possession, the revenue or expenditure transactions affecting the assets bequeathed to a department or departmental public establishment are carried out under the control of the accountant of the department or departmental public establishment and included by him in his management accounts. To this end, any person responsible for the administration or liquidation of these assets, at the end of each calendar year…

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