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Article L6114-1 of the French Public Health Code

The Regional Health Agency shall enter into a five-year multiannual contract of objectives and resources with each health care institution. However, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency may conclude a single contract with several public health institutions in the case provided for in article L. 6132-5-1 or with several private health institutions belonging to the same legal entity. Contracts are signed by the Director General of the Regional…

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Article L6114-1-1 of the French Public Health Code

The multiannual contract of objectives and resources referred to in article L. 6114-1 which includes clauses relating to a contribution to the health support of the armed forces in application of articles L. 1435-3-1 and L. 6147-10 is signed, with the agreement of the Minister for Defence, for a period of five years. The Minister for Defence is consulted prior to the modification or termination of this contract. When the…

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Article L6114-1-2 of the French Public Health Code

When the health care establishment has a long-term care authorisation mentioned inarticle L. 174-5 of the Social Security Code, the contract provided for in article L. 6114-1 of this Code includes an appendix relating to this activity, co-signed by the President of the Departmental Council. The failure of the President of the Departmental Council to sign this appendix does not prevent the signing of the multi-year contract of objectives and…

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Article L6114-2 of the French Public Health Code

The contracts referred to in article L. 6114-1 determine the strategic objectives of health care institutions on the basis of the regional health project defined in article L. 1434-1, in particular the regional health plan defined in article L. 1434-3 or the inter-regional plan referred to in 2° of article L. 1434-6. These strategic objectives concern the institution’s territorial positioning and internal management. The contract may also determine other strategic…

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Article L6114-4 of the French Public Health Code

For the private health care institutions mentioned in d of article L. 162-22-6 of the Social Security Code, the contracts set the rates for the services mentioned in 1° of article L. 162-22-1 in compliance with the provisions of articles L. 162-22-2 to L. 162-22-5 of the same code. Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 351-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles relating to the…

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