Article R342-22 of the French Tourism Code
The articles R. 472-1 to R. 472-21 of the town planning code apply to ski lifts.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Tourism Code | Regulatory part | BOOK III: EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. | TITLE IV: DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATION OF TOURIST AREAS. | Chapter II: Mountains. | Section 3: Ski lifts, ski runs and conveyors. | Subsection 2: Provisions specific to ski lifts.
The articles R. 472-1 to R. 472-21 of the town planning code apply to ski lifts.
The duties performed by the project manager referred to in article R 342-4 include at least : a) A description of the organisation of the project ; b) Verification that the project is suited to the terrain, particularly as regards the choice of location for stations and pylons and the type of rescue system; c) Verification of the overall consistency of the project design, including the conditions of use of…
When a ski lift uses a tunnel longer than 300 metres, the safety opinion mentioned in Article R. 472-4-5° of the town planning code is issued by a qualified body mentioned inarticle 4 of decree no. 2017-440 of 30 March 2017 on the safety of guided public transport, independent of the project owner, the project manager, the builder(s) and the operator of the installation.
During the construction or substantial modification of a ski lift, with the exception of drag lifts, the foundations, anchorages and superstructures of ski lifts, excluding moving parts or parts subject to wear and tear, are subject to a technical inspection covering their design and execution. This inspection is carried out by a technical inspector chosen by the project owner from among the inspectors approved in application of the provisions of…
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