Article L4422-9-2 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The President of the Executive Council attends meetings of the Permanent Commission ex officio, without the right to vote.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART FOUR: THE REGION | BOOK IV: REGIONS WITH SPECIAL STATUS AND THE TERRITORIAL COLLECTIVITY OF CORSICA | TITLE II: THE TERRITORIAL COLLECTIVITY OF CORSICA | CHAPTER II : Organisation | Section 1: The Assembly of Corsica | Page 2
The President of the Executive Council attends meetings of the Permanent Commission ex officio, without the right to vote.
The President of the Assembly of Corsica may decide that the meeting of the standing committee is to be held in several places, by videoconference. When the meeting of the standing committee is held by videoconference, the quorum is assessed on the basis of the presence of the members of the standing committee in the various places by videoconference. The Standing Committee meets in a single place at least once…
The President alone is responsible for policing the Assembly within its precincts. He may have any person who disturbs order expelled from the sittings room. The dates and agenda of sittings are decided by the President after consultation with the members of the Standing Committee. The President places an item on the agenda whenever one third of the councillors at the Assembly have requested it. The minutes of the meetings…
The Shareholders’ Meeting shall draw up its rules of procedure within one month of its election. These rules shall lay down the procedures for its operation which are not provided for in this chapter. The rules of procedure may be referred to the administrative court. As an exception to the provisions of article L. 4422-7, the rules of procedure are adopted by an absolute majority of the members making up…
When the normal functioning of the Assembly proves impossible, the Government may pronounce its dissolution by reasoned decree taken in the Council of Ministers. It shall inform Parliament of this as soon as possible. A new election of the Assembly shall be held within two months. The Assembly shall meet as of right on the first Thursday following the election. The powers of the Assembly elected after a dissolution end…
The Assembly settles the affairs of Corsica by its deliberations. It supervises the Executive Council. The Assembly votes the budget, adopts the administrative accounts, adopts the plan for the sustainable development of Corsica.
I. – On its own initiative or at the request of the Executive Council, or at the request of the Prime Minister, the Assembly of Corsica may submit proposals to amend or adapt regulatory provisions in force or in the process of being drawn up concerning the powers, organisation and operation of all the territorial authorities of Corsica, as well as any regulatory provisions concerning the economic, social and cultural…
The proposals, requests and opinions adopted by the Assembly of Corsica pursuant to I to IV of article L. 4422-16 are published in the Journal officiel de la République française.
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