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Article R2141-17 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The person whose gametes have been collected or retrieved and preserved in the context of medically assisted procreation for a parental project in application of article L. 2141-1 is consulted each calendar year in writing as to whether he/she wishes to continue with this method of preservation. If they no longer wish to maintain it, or if they no longer meet the age conditions set by the decree provided for…

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Article R2141-18 of the French Public Health Code

The person whose gametes have been collected or retrieved and stored pursuant to I of article L. 2141-12, with a view to the subsequent provision, for his or her benefit, of medically assisted procreation, is consulted each calendar year in writing as to whether he or she wishes to continue this storage method under the conditions set out in II of the same article L. 2141-12. An order of the…

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Article R2141-19 of the French Public Health Code

I.-Any person whose gametes or germ tissue are stored in application of article L. 2141-11 is informed in advance of the age limits set, on the one hand, by the order provided for in IV of this same article, and on the other hand, in article R. 2141-38, as well as of the impossibility of storing germ tissue for procreation purposes for their own benefit beyond these limits. It is…

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Article R2141-20 of the French Public Health Code

The written consent to gamete donation referred to in articles R. 2141-17, R. 2141-18 and R. 2141-19 is preceded by at least one interview with the multidisciplinary clinical-biological medical team referred to in article L. 2141-2. These interviews make it possible in particular: 1° To inform the persons concerned of the legislative and regulatory provisions relating to gamete donation, and in particular the fact that it is impossible for recipients…

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Article R2141-21 of the French Public Health Code

Only medical biology laboratories authorised for the activities mentioned in c and d of 2° of article R. 2142-1 may store gametes for donation. If the laboratory, under whose responsibility consent was obtained under the conditions set out in article R. 2141-20, is not authorised to store gametes for donation, it shall hand them over to an authorised centre. It shall also send the centre a copy of the file…

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Article R2141-22 of the French Public Health Code

A practitioner meeting the criteria mentioned in articles R. 2142-10 and R. 2142-11 working in a medical biology laboratory authorised for the activities mentioned in c and d of 2° of article R. 2142-1 ensures that the results of the biology tests carried out on the person donating gametes do not reveal any of the risks mentioned in article R. 1211-25. These tests must have been carried out at least…

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Article R2141-23 of the French Public Health Code

Where gametes, initially stored with a view to medically assisted procreation on the basis of article L. 2141-2, or pursuant to articles L. 2141-11 and L. 2141-12, are donated, the provisions of Chapter IV of Title IV of Book II of Part One of the Code and the health safety rules relating to gametes for donation apply.

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