Article R5112-15 of the French Labour Code
The Departmental Commission for Employment and Integration has set up two specialised committees, one for employment and the other for integration through economic activity.
The Departmental Commission for Employment and Integration has set up two specialised committees, one for employment and the other for integration through economic activity.
The specialised committee responsible for employment is made up of fifteen members: 1° Five representatives of the State appointed by the Prefect, including the Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment and the Regional Director for Industry, Research and the Environment; 2° Five representatives of representative employee trade unions; 3° Five representatives of representative employers’ organisations. The departmental or, where applicable, regional director of public finance or…
In addition to the Prefect, the specialised committee responsible for integration through economic activity, known as the Conseil départemental de l’insertion par l’activité économique, comprises: 1° The Regional Director of Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment; 2° The Departmental Director of Health and Social Affairs; 3° The regional director of prison services; 4° Elected representatives of local and regional authorities and their groupings, including a member of the departmental…
The Departmental Council for Integration through Economic Activity is responsible for: 1° Issuing opinions on applications for agreements from the employers mentioned in article L. 5132-2 and applications for assistance from the Departmental Fund for Integration provided for in article R. 5132-44 ; 2° Determining the nature of the actions to be taken to promote integration through economic activity. To this end, it draws up an action plan for inclusion…
The Prefect will give a reasoned decision on any request from an employer for information on the application to his situation of the provisions relating to the measures to promote employment listed in article D. 5112-24.
The employment schemes to which the provisions of article R. 5112-23 apply are those defined in articles L. 5121-3 to L. 5124-1, L. 5132-1 to L. 5132-17 and L. 5134-100 to L. 5134-109.
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