Article R4724-15 of the French Labour Code
Analyses to check compliance with the biological limit values set by decree are carried out by a body accredited in this field.
Analyses to check compliance with the biological limit values set by decree are carried out by a body accredited in this field.
The accredited body, whose staff are bound by professional secrecy, is independent of the establishments it inspects. It has the specific skills required for each of the chemical agents it analyses.
An order by the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture specifies the conditions for accreditation of the bodies responsible for analyses, which include compliance with the provisions of articles R. 4412-51-2 and R. 4724-15-1 and the European technical standards in force.
An order by the ministers for labour and agriculture specifies the accreditation conditions and measurement methods for checking the compliance of workplace lighting.
Joint decrees by the ministers for labour and agriculture specify the accreditation conditions and methods to be used for measuring : 1° Noise ; 2° Mechanical vibrations ; 3° Artificial optical radiation ; 4° electromagnetic fields.
The procedures for the inspection provided for in article R. 4722-26, as well as the content of the inspection report, are laid down by order of the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture.
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