Article R4312-1 of the French Labour Code
New machines or machines considered to be new within the meaning of Article R. 4311-1 are subject to the technical rules set out in Annex I at the end of this Title.
New machines or machines considered to be new within the meaning of Article R. 4311-1 are subject to the technical rules set out in Annex I at the end of this Title.
Agricultural or forestry tractors and their separate technical units, systems or components are subject to Regulation (EU) No 167/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 February 2013 on type-approval and market surveillance of agricultural and forestry vehicles, under the conditions defined in Article 2.3 of this Regulation, and to Decree No 2005-1236 of 30 September 2005 on the rules, requirements and procedures applicable to agricultural or…
Fence energisers are subject to decree no. 96-216 of 14 March 1996 on the technical rules and certification procedure applicable to fence energisers.
The industrial radiology equipment referred to in 3° of article R. 4311-7 is subject to the technical rules for design and construction and to the certification procedure laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
Second-hand machines which were subject to the technical rules of design and construction set out in Annex I to Article R.4312-1 when they were put into service as new remain subject to the rules of this Annex. Machinery which was not subject to these rules when it was put into service when new is subject to the technical rules for use defined in Chapter IV of Title II.
Used agricultural or forestry tractors and their technical units, systems or components are subject to decree no. 2005-1236 of 30 September 2005 on the rules, requirements and procedures applicable to agricultural or forestry tractors and their equipment.
Second-hand lifting accessories, lifting cables, chains and straps, regardless of when they were put into service when new, are subject to the technical design and construction rules set out in Annex I to Article R. 4312-1.
Second-hand safety components, whatever their date of entry into service when new, are subject to the technical rules of design and construction set out in Annex I to Article R. 4312-1. However, protective structures conforming to decree no. 90-490 of 15 June 1990 and other safety components conforming to a model which has been the subject of a technical examination certificate or a type examination certificate issued in accordance with…
Provided it complies with the obligations laid down in Article L. 4311-1, second-hand equipment may, if it complies with the regulations governing second-hand equipment in force in the Member State of the European Community from which it originates, undergo only the operations mentioned in that same article. In this case, the certificate of conformity provided for in article R. 4313-15 shall indicate precisely the references of the regulations applied.If necessary,…
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