Article R4228-11 of the French Labour Code
Toilets must not communicate directly with enclosed rooms in which workers are required to stay. They are arranged in such a way as to be odourless. They are equipped with a toilet flush and toilet paper.
Toilets must not communicate directly with enclosed rooms in which workers are required to stay. They are arranged in such a way as to be odourless. They are equipped with a toilet flush and toilet paper.
Toilet cubicles must be ventilated in accordance with the ventilation and sanitation rules in Chapter II and be adequately heated.
The floor and walls of toilets must be made of impermeable materials to enable effective cleaning. The employer shall ensure that toilets and urinals are cleaned and disinfected at least once a day.
Toilet doors are solid and fitted with an internal locking device that can be unlocked from the outside.
Toilet effluent is disposed of in accordance with health regulations.
Where the fitting out of collective changing rooms, washbasins and showers cannot, for reasons relating to the layout of the work premises, be carried out under the conditions provided for in this section or, for disabled workers, in accordance with Article R. 4225-7, the employer may ask the Labour Inspector to exempt him from some of these obligations.
The dispensation granted by the Labour Inspector is subject to the necessary measures being taken to ensure that workers enjoy hygienic conditions corresponding as far as possible to the obligations set out in article R. 4228-16.
The labour inspector makes his decision after consulting the occupational physician and the social and economic committee.
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