Article R4141-1 of the French Labour Code
Safety training contributes to the prevention of occupational risks. It is one of the elements of the annual occupational risk prevention programme provided for in 2° of Article L. 4612-16.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book I: General provisions | Title IV: Employee information and training | Chapter I: General obligation to provide information and training
Safety training contributes to the prevention of occupational risks. It is one of the elements of the annual occupational risk prevention programme provided for in 2° of Article L. 4612-16.
The employer shall inform workers of the risks to their health and safety in a way that is comprehensible to everyone. This information and safety training shall be provided on recruitment and whenever necessary.
The purpose of safety training is to instruct workers in the precautions to be taken to ensure their own safety and, where appropriate, that of other people working in the establishment. It covers : 1° Traffic conditions in the company; 2° Working conditions; 3° Conduct in the event of an accident or disaster.
The employer informs workers of the risks to their health and safety. This information covers : 1° The procedures for accessing the single risk assessment document provided for in Article R. 4121-1 ; 2° Measures to prevent the risks identified in the single risk assessment document; 3° The role of the occupational health service and, where applicable, staff representatives in the prevention of occupational risks; 4° Where applicable, the provisions…
During safety training, the usefulness of the preventive measures prescribed by the employer is explained to the worker, depending on the risks to be prevented.
The training provided takes into account the training, qualifications, professional experience and language, spoken or read, of the worker who is to benefit from it. The time spent on the training and information mentioned in article R. 4141-2 is considered as working time. The training and information in question take place during normal working hours.
The occupational physician shall be involved by the employer in drawing up safety training initiatives and determining the content of the information which must be provided pursuant to Article R. 4141-3-1.
Safety training is conducted with the assistance, where appropriate, of the professional body for health, safety and working conditions provided for in article L. 4643-1, and that of the prevention departments of social security bodies.
In the event of a serious accident at work or a serious occupational or occupational-related disease, the employer shall, after having taken all measures to comply with the provisions of Article L. 4221-1, analyse the traffic or working conditions. If necessary, he shall organise the safety training provided for in this chapter for the workers concerned. The same shall apply in the event of an accident at work or an…
When a worker returns to work after being off work for at least twenty-one days, he shall, at the request of the occupational physician, receive the safety training provided for in this chapter. Where specific training is organised, it will be defined by the occupational physician.
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