Article R4313-40 of the French Labour Code
In the case of machinery, the manufacturer or importer asks the notified body which issued an EC type-examination certificate to re-examine the validity of this certificate every five years.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title I: Design and placing on the market of work equipment and means of protection | Chapter III: Conformity certification procedures | Section 2: Conformity assessment procedures | Subsection 2: Conformity assessment procedures applicable to machinery and personal protective equipment | Page 3
In the case of machinery, the manufacturer or importer asks the notified body which issued an EC type-examination certificate to re-examine the validity of this certificate every five years.
If the notified body, after carrying out the necessary examinations, considers that the certificate is still valid in the light of the state of the art, it will renew it for a period of five years.
Decisions to renew or refuse to renew an EC type-examination certificate may be the subject of a complaint under the conditions laid down in article R. 4313-35.
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