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Article L6241-1 of the French Public Health Code

The following constitute an offence subject to administrative sanction: 1° The performance, by a medical biology laboratory, of medical biology examinations with a view to establishing a prenatal diagnosis in disregard of the provisions of Article L. 6211-5 or of medical biology examinations constituting an examination of the genetic characteristics of a person or his identification by genetic fingerprints in disregard of the provisions of Article L. 6211-6 ; 1°…

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Article L6241-2 of the French Public Health Code

I. – When one of the offences mentioned in the previous article is committed by the medical biology laboratory, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency may impose an administrative fine on the offender. He may add a daily penalty to this fine if the offender has not complied with his instructions by the end of the period set by formal notice. The amount of the administrative fine may…

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Article L6241-3 of the French Public Health Code

Failure to comply with the provisions of articles L. 6211-8 and L. 6211-9, when it results in unjustified expenditure for a health insurance organisation, is sanctioned by the penalties provided for in article L. 114-17-2 of the Social Security Code under the conditions provided for in that article.

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Article L6241-4 of the French Public Health Code

The penalties imposed pursuant to this section may be accompanied by an obligation to display the notice in the public reception areas of the medical biology laboratory or the structure carrying out pathological anatomy and cytology examinations and an obligation to publish the notice in the newspapers or media designated by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, unless such publication causes disproportionate harm to the parties involved. The…

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Article L6241-4-1 of the French Public Health Code

When an offence referred to in Article L. 6241-1 or a breach referred to in Article L. 6241-3 is detected, the Minister for Defence shall, for the medical biology laboratories under his authority, take the necessary corrective measures to put an end to it.

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