Article R1255-1 of the French Labour Code
Any person who concludes an engagement contract that does not include the information specified in 2°, 4° and 5° of Article L. 1251-16 is liable to a fine for a third-class offence.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Regulatory part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book II: Employment contracts | Title V: Temporary employment contracts, other secondment contracts and freelance administration | Chapter V: Criminal provisions | Section 1: Temporary work
Any person who concludes an engagement contract that does not include the information specified in 2°, 4° and 5° of Article L. 1251-16 is liable to a fine for a third-class offence.
If the person responsible for managing the facilities or means of public transport in the user company prevents a temporary employee from having access, under the same conditions as the employees of this company, to these public facilities, in disregard of the provisions of article L. 1251-24, this person will be punished by a fifth-class fine. A repeat offence under this article is punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and…
Failure to provide Pôle emploi with a statement of assignment contracts within the time limit set out in article R. 1251-7, in breach of the provisions of article L. 1251-46, is punishable by a third-class fine.
Sending Pôle emploi a statement of assignment contracts that does not comply with the provisions of article R. 1251-8 is punishable by a second-class fine.
Failure to comply with the provisions relating to the possession, content, dispatch and availability of the financial guarantee certificate set out in article R. 1251-14 is punishable by a second-class fine.
Failure to include the name and address of the guarantor and the reference to article L. 1251-49 on documents concerning the temporary employment undertaking, in particular on supply contracts and assignment contracts, in breach of the provisions of the first paragraph of article R. 1251-15, is punishable by a second-class fine. Failure to comply with the provisions relating to the posting of information on the financial guarantee provided for in…
Failure to inform the regional directorates for business, competition, consumption, labour and employment and the bodies responsible for collecting social security contributions of the termination of the guarantee, in disregard of the provisions of article R. 1251-31, is punishable by a second-class fine.
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