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Article L1434-9 of the French Public Health Code

The Regional Health Agency will define : 1° Sub-regional health democracy territories, so as to cover the whole of the region ; 2° Zones giving rise to : a) The distribution of the activities and facilities referred to in Article L. 1434-3 ; b) The application to medical biology laboratories of the territoriality rules defined in articles L. 6211-16, L. 6212-3, L. 6212-6, L. 6222-2, L. 6222-3, L. 6222-5 and…

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Article L1434-10 of the French Public Health Code

I A. – All the healthcare players in a given area are responsible for improving the health of the population in that area and for providing optimum care for patients in that area. I. – The Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall set up a Territorial Health Board in each of the territories defined in 1° of article L. 1434-9. The territorial health council is made up, in…

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Article L1434-11 of the French Public Health Code

A decree in the Conseil d’Etat determines : 1° The conditions under which the Directors General of the Regional Health Agencies determine the territories and zones provided for in Article L. 1434-9; 2° The composition, operating procedures and appointment of members of the territorial health councils.

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