Article R3133-10 of the French Public procurement code
The payment period provided for in the first paragraph of Article L. 3133-10 is set at thirty days for contracting authorities, including when they are acting as a contracting entity.
The payment period provided for in the first paragraph of Article L. 3133-10 is set at thirty days for contracting authorities, including when they are acting as a contracting entity.
Notwithstanding article R. 3133-10, the payment period is set at : 1° Fifty days for public health establishments and establishments of the armed forces health service; 2° Sixty days for public undertakings within the meaning of II of Article 1 of the Order of 7 June 2004 transposing Directive 80/723/EEC of 25 June 1980 on the transparency of financial relations between Member States and public undertakings, with the exception of…
Subject to the provisions of articles R. 3133-13 to R. 3133-17, the payment period shall run from the date of receipt of the request for payment by the contracting authority or, if the concession contract so provides, any other person authorised for that purpose.
Where the date of receipt of the request for payment is uncertain or prior to the date of performance of the services, the payment period shall run from the date of performance of the services.
The date of receipt of the request for payment and the date of performance of the services shall be established by the services of the contracting authority or, where applicable, by the project manager or the person authorised for this purpose.Failing this, the date of the request for payment plus two days shall be deemed authentic. In the event of a dispute, it is up to the creditor to provide…
Where the payment request falls under the electronic invoicing obligation provided for in Articles L. 3133-1 to L. 3133-3, the date of receipt of the payment request by the contracting authority corresponds : 1° Where invoices are sent by electronic data interchange, the date on which the State’s budgetary and accounting information system time-stamps the arrival of the invoice and, for other contracting authorities, the date of notification of the…
Where the concession contract provides for a procedure to verify the conformity of the services, it may stipulate that the payment period runs from the date on which this conformity is established, if this date is later than the date of receipt of the request for payment.The duration of the verification procedure may not exceed thirty days. However, a longer period may be stipulated in the concession contract, provided that…
If the contracting authority has recourse to a service provider whose intervention is a condition for the payment of the sums due, the intervention of the latter does not modify the payment deadline imposed on the contracting authority.
Where an advance payment is made, the period for payment of the advance shall run from:1° The date of notification of the concession contract;2° Where the concession contract so provides, the date of notification of the act by which performance of the services corresponding to the advance payment commences.In other cases, the period for payment shall run from the date on which the conditions laid down in the concession contract…
Where the provision of a first demand guarantee or a personal and joint surety is required, the time limit for payment of the advance may not run before receipt of this guarantee or surety.
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