The granting and payment of any financial assistance is subject to compliance by the beneficiary with its obligations to prevent sexual harassment and to implement measures to put an end to it and punish it, in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 1153-1 to L. 1153-6 of the French Labour Code.
Failure to comply with this condition will result in the refusal of assistance.
Applicants for financial assistance must describe in their application the measures they have taken, in particular:
-setting up an information system in the workplace, including filming locations, on the reference texts defining and penalising sexual harassment, on the legal actions available in relation to sexual harassment and on the contact details of the competent authorities and services;
the appointment of a person responsible for guiding, informing and supporting employees in the fight against sexual harassment and sexist behaviour, where this is compulsory;
– the development of an internal procedure for reporting and dealing with sexual harassment;
the provision of an alert and listening unit;
-the completion of a training course, offered via the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, for the legal representative or a person duly authorised by the legal representative to deal with issues relating to the prevention of sexual harassment, or, for companies that have been in existence for less than six months on the date of the application for assistance, enrolment in this training course;
a reminder of the role of staff representatives and the company doctor in providing information and raising awareness;
-the signing of a charter with trade union organisations, where these exist within the company.