I.-The Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée ensures compliance with the general conditions for admission of companies to financial aid, in particular by means of the following documents:
1° A K extract or a K bis extract dated less than three months;
2° A copy of the articles of association and, where applicable, any agreement between partners or shareholders;
3° A copy of the declaration, known as the “tax package”, drawn up in accordance witharticle 53 A of the General Tax Code. Unless otherwise stipulated, the company must provide the most recent tax return.
II.In addition, companies subject to a condition relating to their control must:
1° Provide the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, with each application for aid, with a statement on their honour certifying that they are not controlled by one or more natural or legal persons who are nationals of a State other than a European State;
2° Declare to the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée any change likely to affect control when it involves a natural or legal person who is a national of a State other than a European State. The changes concerned relate to the composition of the capital, the distribution and exercise of voting rights, the procedures for appointing and dismissing members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies, the conclusion of or changes to an agreement between partners or shareholders and, more generally, the rules of governance applicable to decision-making.